Patrol Leader’s Council (PLC)
The Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meetings have been moved to 6PM pm on the Monday following the second Thursday of each month. This will make sure that the PLC has the most recent information from the monthly district roundtable meeting that is held on the second Thursday of each month. You can always reference the troop online calendar if you need clarification as to when the next PLC is scheduled.
The Patrol Leaders Council should be attended by the Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Senior Patrol Leader, Troop Guides, Troop Instructors, Troop Scribe, Troop Quartermaster, all Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders. Additionally, any member of the troop is invited to attend and participate in PLC meetings.
At the Patrol Leaders Council, upcoming meetings and events are discussed and planned. Since we are a boy-led troop, this monthly meeting is a very important part of making the troop run smoothly.
The members of the PLC also participate in a Super Quick Patrol Leaders Council (SQPLC) meeting for just a couple of minutes following each regular troop meeting. This gives the youth leaders a chance to run through the START, STOP, CONTINUE process and to make sure that everything is being handled for the next upcoming meeting or event.
Tags: Patrol Leaders Council, PLC