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Tag: camping

We ARE Prepared

Congratulations to Troop 108’s members who attended the York District Fall Camporee at Westminster Park this past weekend for winning the FIRST PLACE overall ribbon from about 18 or so other units from around the district who participated.

Troop 108 Scouts Display The Assortment Of Ribbons Won At The 2008 York District Fall Camporee

Troop 108 Scouts Display The Assortment Of Ribbons Won At The 2008 York District Fall Camporee

The camporee’s theme was “emergency preparedness” and included several scenerios where the boys were able to get the feeling for what an emergency response to a tornado or plane crash might be like, and how to respond in such a way as to keep yourself safe and give assistance to those involved.   They also learned about being prepared for emergencies at home and on the trail.

We camped 15 boys and about 8 leaders for the event. Hats off to Brent L. and Alex H. who were SPL and ASPL, respectfully, for the event. These guys really kicked their leadership skills up a notch and the difference in the entire troop was apparent to everyone. This was the first time we had put the Platoon A and B plan into practice for cooking, and it was a huge success.

Those scouts participating in the Cooking merit badge also got to prepare the meal that they planned and purchased the food for. Leaders commented that finally the boys got to see how a little planning and preparation on the front end makes for much better meals while in camp.

On Saturday, ASM Tom Kelly made homemade chicken and dumplings from scratch for dinner. ASM Richard Campbell assisted David T. and Alex H. with dutch oven deserts to enter in a desert contest among the troops (peach cobbler [best I’ve ever tasted – Webmaster] and blueberry walnut strudle). Unfortunately neither of these were quite ready at the time of the deadline for entries. Instead, we sent over a small cast iron pot with chicken and dumplings. Several judges wanted to give the chicken and dumplings 1st place, but since it was not really a desert, they couldn’t. It was given an honorable mention.

We remembered our scouting brothers killed in the tornado that cut across Little Sioux Scout Camp back on June 11th, 2008.   That event was the catalyst for emergency preparedness theme for our fall camporee.   Hats off to the staff of the event as well.   Brenda Wright and her volunteers pulled off another outstanding event.

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