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Troop 108 Annual Boston Butt & Brunswick Stew Sale

UPDATE: Thank you to all who have supported the troop’s BBQ & Stew sale. We have now Sold Out and online sales are suspended

Use the form below to place your online order for a bone-in Boston Butt or quart of Brunswick Stew. These will be available for pickup on March 2nd, 2024 at the Unity Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall from 10am until Noon.

Thank you to all who have purchased our Stew and Butts in the past. All proceeds go to supporting the needs of Troop 108 and it’s members through equipment repair and purchase and scholarships for scouts needing financial assistance in the scouting program.

Please select “Paypal” as the payment option when checking out.

Note that a $2.00 handling fee is added to each order to help offset the fees associated with using the Paypal online registration system. Thank you for understanding.

Troop Leaders Select Camp Ho Non Wah For Our 2021 Summer Camp Experience

Troop 108’s adult leaders have elected for the troop to attend Camp Ho Non Wah on Wadmallow Island just southeast of Charleston, SC for our 2021 summer camp experience.  The troop has attended summer camp there a few times before and it is an impressive camp with the perfect blend of great facilities, great food, great staff and great program.

Our main reason for selecting this camp is that they successfully held a week-long winter camp at the end of 2020 with COVID-safe practices in place and had no issues. They have made changes to how groups are gathered in classes, at meals and at other times.

We will be attending camp July 4th – July 10th.

Additional information, including pricing and signing up for merit badges will be coming out soon, so watch for it on Facebook and on the Sunday morning automatic troop email message.

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing everyone associated with Troop 108 as well our charter sponsor and benefactors a very
Happy Thanksgiving.

Troop 108 Meeting Location To Change Beginning November 2nd, 2020

As it starts to get darker earlier and temperatures drop, Troop 108 needed to find an alternate meeting place at least until Spring 2021.

We were fortunate to be offered an opportunity to meet in a VERY large hallway of a building that houses several different companies at 1300 Altura Road in Fort Mill.

Please look at the graphic for details of the traffic pattern for the scouting traffic. Also note the QR code that will bring up Google Maps to the new meeting place from Unity Church.

Our troop remains sponsored by Unity Church, but they are not prepared to offer us inside meeting facilities during the Covid pandemic.

We will start meeting at the new location on November 2nd, 2020. We will continue to meet from 7pm until 8:30pm on Monday nights. Please reference the schedule in your Sunday troop newsletters.

Email Notifications of New Website Posts Turned Off

Because of the large number of non-Troop 108 email addresses being signed up to get notified of our posts (a couple dozen a day from Russian email addresses), this feature has been turned off on the website.

Be sure to LIKE or or JOIN the Troop 108 Facebook page for the most up-to-date posts of troop news, pictures and updates and you’ll get a notification there when new items are posted on the troop FaceBook Page

Hunter needs your help with his Eagle Scout Project on 2 different upcoming dates

Hunter Warren’s Eagle Scout Project

Date 1: Wednesday, September 30th from 5pm-8pm; We will clean the school play structure.

Date 2: Saturday, October 3rd from 9am-3pm; We will stain school play structure.

Location for both dates: Grace Presbeterian Church 2955 SC-160 Fort Mill, SC 29708

Please sign up as soon as possible via TroopMaster. 

Troop 108 To Resume Meeting In-Person on 08-17-2020

Troop 108 plans to meet in person beginning Monday, 8/17.  To attend in person meetings, each Scout and Leader MUST:

1) Stay home if you are sick!

2) Review the Palmetto Council’s 6/1 COVID-19 Update at and provide an executed Consent Form (NO CONSENT FORM, NO PARTICIPATION!).

3) Wear a mask.

4) Maintain 6 feet from one another.  

5) Immediately upon arrival, check in with the Senior Patrol Leader and Scoutmaster (we’ll ensure items 1-4 are complete, take attendance & temperature, and provide next steps).

Additional Information:

– Meetings at Unity Presbyterian Church will be held on the front lawn in groups of 9 or fewer and Unity Fellowship Hall will be available for restroom use only…the kitchen or water fountains will not be available.    

– In addition to the standard Troop Meeting items to bring (Uniform, Scout bag, book, merit badge worksheets, paper, pencil, etc.), participants may also want to bring a chair and water bottle.  

– Unless formally communicated with a TroopMaster Announcement, Facebook Post or Email, we plan to meet rain or shine…BE PREPARED! 

Troop 108 Meeting & Activity Update – June 2020

On Mon-6/1, the Palmetto Council announced that in-person meetings and activities could resume with a number of new guidelines in place.  The first being that Unity Presbyterian Church, our Chartered Partner, grant approval.  Please read the entire announcement and new guidelines located here:

At this time, UNITY HAS NOT GRANTED APPROVAL to resume in-person meetings and activities and the Unity Campus remains closed through June

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