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Popcorn Sale Update & Blitz Day Info

If you have popcorn that you have been unable to sell, you MUST return it on the October 10th, 2011.  Note that if you do not return it on that date, you will need to sell or buy the popcorn yourself.

Also on Monday Oct. 10th — If you have been doing “Take Orders” (having people place orders on your sheet without actually giving them popcorn), please print and fill out the form that is linked below and let me know what you have orders for so far.  This way we can fill your orders with popcorn that is returned from other scouts before returning it to the district. You do not have to stop selling, this just lets us know what orders we have taken up to this date. 

You may continue selling popcorn until October 23rd, 2011

Saturday Oct. 15th, 2011 we will hold ” Troop 108 Blitz Day”.  We will be having a Blitz Day to really push sales as we are nearing the end of the selling event. You can stop by the Scout House between 8:00 and 8:30AM to pick up a specially marked sales sheet. Go out and sell as much as you can until 6:30PM.  Return to the Scout House at 7:00PM.  We will be giving away prizes to the top seller of the day. We will also be handing out tickets for each sale you make for a raffle of the other prizes.  So the more you sell, the more chances you have to win.

Troop 108 Popcorn Form & Info 2011

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