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Troop 108 Court of Honor on TUESDAY, May 24th

Troop 108 will hold it’s summer Court of Honor on Tuesday,  May 24th, in the Fellowship Hall at Unity Presbyterian Church. A meeting for scout parents starts  at 7pm (scouts should report to our normal meeting room at that time) and the actual Court of honor begins at 7:30pm.  During the parent meeting plans for summer camp and such will be discussed.

During the Court of Honor our own Dan Cockerill will give a short presentation on Family Friends of Scouting (FFOS) which is  the annual fundraising campaign to raise the operating funds necessary to provide a quality Scouting program in Palmetto Council.  Every year there is a need for financial support for existing programs, developing new programs and to ensure our council camp remain in tip-top shape to support scouting in our council.

The essence of the Family Friends of Scouting campaign, is raising money to help the Palmetto Council defray the actual cost of delivering and running the Scouting program.  Special events and fundraisers pay only a portion of the cost. Give Scouts and volunteer Scouters your support by helping the Scouting program with your tax deductible pledge.

Please Note: All families should bring a 2-liter cola or two and/or some finger food (cookies, crackers, chips) to the Fellowship Hall with them and leave them on the tables near the kitchen. We will have a time of refreshment and fellowship at the close of the Court of Honor.

Lets come out and publicly recognize the achievements of our scouts over the past 6 months.


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