Den Chief training scheduled for Sunday, January 15, 2012

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Laura Cripe, 2011 Troop 108 Popcorn Chairman, needs a count of those items on your popcorn order sheet at
the October 24th meeting (Tomorrow Night). She does not, however, need your actual popcorn order forms.
If you could make a list for her that has your scout’s name, phone number and email address and the items count for each item that he has orders for, that would be great. Your sheet might look something like this:
Little Johnny Tentpeg
Butter Light – 3
Movie Theater Butter – 5
Trailmix – 14
Thanks in advance for your help with our popcorn sale.
If you have popcorn that you have been unable to sell, you MUST return it on the October 10th, 2011. Note that if you do not return it on that date, you will need to sell or buy the popcorn yourself.
Also on Monday Oct. 10th — If you have been doing “Take Orders” (having people place orders on your sheet without actually giving them popcorn), please print and fill out the form that is linked below and let me know what you have orders for so far. This way we can fill your orders with popcorn that is returned from other scouts before returning it to the district. You do not have to stop selling, this just lets us know what orders we have taken up to this date.
Saturday Oct. 15th, 2011 we will hold ” Troop 108 Blitz Day”. We will be having a Blitz Day to really push sales as we are nearing the end of the selling event. You can stop by the Scout House between 8:00 and 8:30AM to pick up a specially marked sales sheet. Go out and sell as much as you can until 6:30PM. Return to the Scout House at 7:00PM. We will be giving away prizes to the top seller of the day. We will also be handing out tickets for each sale you make for a raffle of the other prizes. So the more you sell, the more chances you have to win.
Scouts should be at the Fort Mill YMCA at Baxter at 7PM on Monday, June 13th dressed to swim. Scouts should also bring a towel to dry off with and a completed guest pass (see link below). Parents should not drop off their scouts as they will be released back to their parents immediately following the completion of their swim test.
Guest Pass In PDF Format – Please Print, Fill Out, Sign & Bring With You
We will also be having an additional swim test time at Leroy Springs Recreation Complex on Thursday, June 16th at 7pm. Scouts should come dressed to swim and also bring a towel to dry off with. Parents should not drop off their scouts as they will be released back to their parents immediately following the completion of their swim test.
Only those scouts that are members of the Patrol Leader’s Council (that would be troop youth leaders and a representative from each patrol – i.e. Patrol Leader or his appointee) should attend tonight’s meeting.
Other scouts should prepare their uniforms for wear at tomorrow night’s Summer Court of Honor.
As of January of this year, scouts and adults are required to use the newly released version of the BSA medical form when getting their physicals. Please use the link below to download a copy of the Form in PDF format.
Make a copy of the original physical form along with the insurance card(s) that apply to the person the physical form is for and submit the copies to “Miss Donna” for inclusion in the troop’s records. Be sure to file the original physical form away in a safe place in case it is needed later.
Because of impending weather the ASC Greenway has asked the troop not to offer canoe rides. This was in respones to potental safety isues that could arise from heavy rain and lightning with are forcasted on Saturday.
Troop leaders then deciaded to cancell the troops camp out as well. Contact the scout master if you have any questions.
Find below links to permission slips in PDF format for two upcoming troop events